Tag Archives: Washington Post

Plunder at the Pump

Republicans have decided to extend tax-cuts for Big Oil, even while they tell the American people that something has to be done to curb the massive profits of the oil industry.

Even Bush is calling for at least one of the tax-cuts to be allowed to expire. However his party disagrees. Isn’t it obvious where the true Republican heart lies?! When a man who’s whole family fortune rests on oil, half heartedly calls for higher taxes on the oil industry, and then his party allows the plunder to continue, shouldn’t that say something?

You can read the whole story in the
Washington Post.

If you still think Republicans care about the little guy more than Democrats after reading this, you should have your brain examined. Seriously, it should be covered by our insurance. Unfortunately, since Republicans have forced us to keep this wonderful health-care system they are all making a fortune off of (and we’re footing the bill), they will not be able to get the help they so desperately need.

COME ON PEOPLE! WAKE UP! Look what 26 years of Republican domination has gotten us! Absolutely nothing. They say they’re Christian, but look at society. If it sells, it’s Republican, and what sells better than sex? They say they’re for small business, however they back bills that promote Wal-Mart and similar companies that crush the little guy, and make a killing at it. They said they didn’t like nation-building and embarked on the biggest nation-building quest in history. They said they promote the middle-class, and yet the middle-class has suffered under their guidance. They said they would return integrity to the White House, and look! This President, might, and should be impeached for War Profiteering, severe ethics violations and basic incompetence.

I am not a huge fan of Clinton in retrospect, although I would take him any day over these numbskulls!

Come the election 0f 2006, let’s send the Republicans back home, so they can’t collect any more pensions from us!