Tag Archives: SNL

Phelps is Still a Great Athlete

Editor’s note:
For my political junkies, I apologize, as this article is more of a cultural rant. Which leads me to an important point about the future of SoapBlox.com:

The new Soapblox.com, coming this Spring, will finally realize the news magazine concept conceived originally in the blueprints first drawn before the disastrous Bush reelection. There will be a place for politics, culture and art. Please bare with our progress and enjoy the article below.

Michael Phelps smokes dope, grass, pot, marijuana, bud, chronic, indo, sense

Well, well, the charges have finally been dropped on our beloved fish out of water, Mr. Michael Phelps.

I suspect that Michael Phelps himself would prefer not to be elevated to the Saint-hood status that has been bestowed upon him. I mean. The guy knows he’s a great swimmer, though I doubt that he ever fancied himself a roll model.

Somehow in this country, however, wining gold medals makes you a hero, which makes you a role model to children everywhere. I understand that this guy should not go downtown and buy crack from some gang bangin’ wanabe and start puffin away till his teeth fall out, I’m simply saying that since this guy has won his nation a record amount of medals, he should be entitled to a bit of down time or leeway. Since alcohol, which is a proven killer behind and away from the wheel, is acceptable and Mary Jane is the proven cause of munchies and little more, we should just leave this poor guy alone. He did his job, let’s just leave it at that.

SNL did a funny skit on this that encapsulates my entire feelings of this matter.

Can you believe that Kellogg’s dropped him as a sponser? I mean, not only are their mascots a topic of many a marijuana induced discussion (don’t get me started on the 3 bakers from Cinnamon Toast Crunch), cereal is the quickest and easiest path to muchiness! I, for one, will no longer buy Kellogg’s cereals in protest. I encourage you all to do the same. F’ these guys with their conservative hypocrisy, wholesome image my ass! There are plain and simply, too many people these guys have screwed over to be righteous (even the original Kellogg’s founder cheated his brother out of the recipe and family name).

Phelps is still a great athlete and I actually respect him more than ever.

As for the moron that took a picture of Phelps smoking herb at a party and turned it in for cash? Well, you are everything that is wrong in this world, selfish greed and 0% loyalty that allows you to step on your own brothers and sisters for a yard or so advancement. I hope someone takes a picture of you doing something embarrassing and sends it to YOUR boss. You useless s.o.b.