Tag Archives: Revolution

Funny Dose – Trumped! Laughing at the Donald

One of Election Night’s biggest losers was a man who never officially ran for anything.

Trump got drunk at the bus-stop passed the last exit to relevancy.

Donald Trump stuck his neck out pretty far in this election, almost making a run himself back in 2011 for the Republican nomination and then tried to make himself into a king maker. Ultimately he throw his support behind Romney after it was clear he was going to win. Yet it was his attempts to oust Obama that garnered the most attention. Back in 2011, his “investigation” of Obama’s birth certificate, that led to his humiliation at the Correspondent’s Dinner, and his $5 million charity blackmail stunt a couple of weeks back put his reputation on the line against Obama. He is also to have reportedly donated over $3 million to defeat the President, which, along with his reputation, are now erased.

Trump Tweets a Call for a glorious Revolution to Overthrow the US Government

Rather than quietly shut up, Trump went all in, showing up at the Romney “victory” celebration only to leave home, screaming out tweets about how the electoral process in America is a “sham” and calling for a revolution. Brian Williams of NBC News said Trump had”driven well past the last exit to relevance and veered into something closer to irresponsible.” . Now he’s in one of his shout-tweet matches with Brian Williams! Sorry Donald, Williams is not Rosie O’ Donnell!

What Trump doesn’t see is how ridiculous he looks. While it may be time for an intervention and his actions border on the clinical help stage, we can all take a moment and laugh at the man who turned self-promotion in to an art form back in the 80s and like so many artists in the 80s then turned that art into a pretentious self-absorbed masturbation fest that most people find to be irritating and empty.

If the Donald learns to laugh at himself, he may find that he has some serious stock as a clown. Bitter, pathetic rich boy who made billions out of hundreds of millions by catering to the tacky tastes of the super-rich? Or comedy genius social experiment? You be the judge on this look back on some of The Donald’s greatest hits.

Exhibit A: We need to see Trump’s long form birth certificate

Trump has devoted a great deal of his reputation to whether or not Obama was born in the US, yet he is believed to have been born abroad, and his own birth certificate that he released, was the incorrect form! If you wish to quell any conspiracies, start with yourself Don!


Exhibit B: Trump becomes court jester at Correspondent’s Dinner 2011

The Donald was starting to make headway with his birtherism and even led a poll. That is, until he became the comedy foil of Obama, who tore through him like a shooting script of the Apprentice. Zach Gallafanakis reported that Trump was so furious that Zach got a kick out of laughing extra hard to enrage him. It was a great moment:



Exhibit C: A Rich Man’s Revolution?

Plus, consider Trump, a billionaire  born with every privilege money can buy just waiting for him when his mother popped him out, called for a “revolution” when the billionaire’s Wall Street candidate Romney lost. Usually it’s the people who don’t benefit from society who rise up against their oppressors, yet the poor state of the nation’s wealthy has become so dire ever since they saw their net-worth climb to unprecedented levels that they need to get up, stand up, stand up for their rights and overthrow the government they mostly control. Are they going to hire people to storm the capital and joyously pull down statues? Would they turn the National Mall into a shopping mall?

Well if it does happen, I hope Colonel Trump leads the charge! Can you see him out on the barricades? Throwing Malotov Cocktails at police cars? Maybe he fashions himself more of a Castro figure and would wear some outlandish outfit with gold frills and medals he didn’t win all over his chest and a funny hat to hide his hideous Tanzanian albino rat-hair wig (another source of endless jokes). Either way, it sounds as ridiculous as Qaddafi, whom he once bragged he had ripped off! Honest businessman? The same guy who has filed for bankruptcy more times than an American Airlines plane filled with Wesley Snipes, Nick Cage and Willie Nelson.

Exhibit D: Colbert Makes an Offer to Trump

After Making his ridiculous “October Surprise” video that turned out to be nothing more than offering a $5 million check to a charity if Obama released his transcripts from Harvard. While Obama made the head of the Harvard Law Review, a position that has no Affirmative Action, and graduated with honors, racists and clowns like Trump insist it isn’t possible for ‘some reason’. Colbert took that laughable moment and turned it into comedy gold:



Exhibit E: The Daily Show Archive

For endless laughs, check out the Daily Show Archive with a search for Trump. He is the butt of so many jokes, how can he not be conscious that he is America’s billionaire clown prince?