Tag Archives: Mitt Romney

Romney’s FEMA Plan Very Unpopular

Why would you leave disaster relief to the states when natural disasters, as is often in hurricanes and tornadoes, can engulf multiple states? That is the question I had when Mitt Romney proposed in the CNN Presidential debate to defund … read more

Richism, the New Civil Rights Cause from the Right

The cause of civil rights is the cause of humanity. So we must be do diligent. So according to the World English Dictionary: civil rights — pl n 1. the personal rights of the individual citizen, in most countries upheld … read more

Mitt Romney is 100% Wrong About the 47%

Mitt Romney’s recent video where he describes the 47% as lazy moochers who are dependent on the US government has me thinking. How can a guy who’s father was on public assistance be so heartless, divisive and dismissive of his fellow Americans? … read more