Tag Archives: Limbag Righties

I’m Getting Pissed Off!

Oh so I didn’t realize that since we got a man who has some African DNA in him that the fight is over!

Never mind the fact that most Americans are losing sight of the American Dream. Never mind the fact that the corporations are slowly consuming this nation for no other reason than profit!

Here is a rant comment I gave to an article that was focused on making Elizabeth Warren the new CFPB chief, a respectable politician that I would sincerely entrust the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to. Yet my argument goes far deeper than a mere office position:

Source: Treasury Makes A Mistake – Claiming They Are Not Blocking Elizabeth Warren

I can’t say that I would agree with Elizabeth Warren being the end all, be all for the job. She certainly has my vote! Unfortunately, it doesn’t count and it is left to the great plutocracy that is the American government.

What I can say is that anyone left of center that decides to be fickle and choose this opportunity to divide the fragile Left is missing the big picture.

Our in-fighting threatens to establish a new coalition of Limbag Righties, Palinite Wasilla Chin-Chillas, of Crooked Angles, spoiled Rubios and Rank Pauls.

Our unity is crucial to holding back these wackos from using the Bush recession to their advantage.

It was their policies that took this prosperous nation that celebrated the Millennium as the undisputed world leader with a budget surplus and turned it into a second fiddle to China, deeply in debt for a simple political issue of Medicare Part-D, rapidly cutting taxes for the richest Americans, for… no reason other than to exacerbate the failing middle-class with taunts of success, and it all happened in one decade!

After all, Reagan set the policy of giving the corporations everything they wanted. Guess what? It failed!

The connies have rammed this country into the ground. Do you remember why you voted against Bush? Well remember it now! The corporate interests are spending hundreds of millions to cling to the status quo and defeat Obama’s fairly moderate agenda. They like things the way they are! Because America is a land of opportunity… for them! The rich!

I guess we, who do the actual work in this country, deserve to die in a convalescent home. We don’t deserve a pension or a reward for a lifetime of loyalty to a corporation. Isn’t it ironic that an employee of a corporation who has given up 30-50 years of service is somehow more disposable than some douche-bag that was brought in for a few months to fix a ‘fiscal’ problem that was most likely solved by the upswing in the economy?

Yes this magic man fixed everything! It had nothing to do with the hard work and diligence of the employees of this crooked corp. No, the magic-man at the top did all of the work!

Corporate America has failed us! It is time to abandon the fantasy that these billionaire Repug Wall Street hacks are somehow going to fix this problem without our intervention.

The American Military is the greatest fighting force on this Earth, and yet, it is the greatest example of a Socialist enterprise the world has yet to offer. Free health-care, tax-free purchases, loans, education grants and a great deal of incentives that cowardly politicians have passed down to look as though they faced those I.E.D.’s themselves.

Yet they did not!

The time has come to hold the clowns in Washington accountable. That means that the meek Dems and the even lower Repugs, who stand for nothing else then rugged individualism = selfish coward-ism, need to figure out a way to make Washington work again!

Things are not going to change with a new election. We need to stand up and show the powers that be that we are a force to be reckoned with. These T-Baggers are just another distraction that keeps the middle-class from realizing its true potentiality!

Let’s show Wall Street that we, who do the actual work in this country, cannot be counted out of the political process!!!


July 17, 2010 at 4:39 am