Tag Archives: Jimmy Carter

I dare any whacko right-wing gun-totting, over-weight, fast-food eating, Fox News watching, WalMart shopping, god’s creation hating, under educated, wasteful, redneck, war-mongering, poverty-stricken-capitalist who wanders on to this site looking to leave a big flawed radical right-wing talking point…
to watch John Stewart’s latest assessment of your beloved, low-standards, gossip source a.k.a. the Fox (so-called) News Channel. I dare ya, I double-dare ya!

I bet you don’t have the cojanes to watch it!

Yes Righties, don’t you see that you are not being told the truth, merely, what you want to hear? Fox makes Billions off of suckers like you. WAKE UP!

Please re-evaluate your trust in media. Why is Fox the only news source that tells me what I want to hear. Hmmm, gee I wonder why? Take a good look in the mirror, take some peyote, whatever works for ya, and have a life changing experience, I beg you. You are on the wrong path!

Otherwise, continue…

You weak, fearful and now whiney so-called Americans may have once talked the talk about how Liberals were so un-American (what-ever the hell that means) when we tried to stop a pointless war, BEFORE IT STARTED, from killing our beloved troops, however now since you lost power, things have changed. It’s all: oh. Boo hoo! Poor me! I’m a whinny little conservative who once was on top of the world and now all I can do is show up to town hall meetings and act like a freaking dumb ass! The irony is, that the odds are, none of you ever benefited from conservative politics much like the average Southern soldier in the Civil War died to defend the rights of the rich slave holders.

You have NOTHING in common with the Left. We fought for a purpose. We fought to stop wars, to make factories cleaner and to stop fascism, which is what you call a political movement that makes a scapegoat out of someone (gays, latinos, immigrants [yes they are different], blacks, jews, ya know, all the things you guys hate) and unifies the government with the corporate interest. Like the way Hitler gave huge contracts to Krupp to supply his Warmacht (like Blackwater or Haliburton). We fought against you because the only thing you stand for is a pointless waste of time. No one likes abortion, no one wants to take your guns away, no one wants to undermine your marriage. Oh and we should add to this list that no one wants to kill your grandma. It really is amazing what you conservatives come up with.

Don’t be bitter because you guys ran the show for 30 years and you got nothing done accept run our wonderful country into the ditch. Oh, and don’t come back at me with any BS about Reagan because that was damn 20 years ago, and Reagan DID NOT win the Cold War. Believe it or not, Reagan copied Jimmy Carter’s playbook on foreign policy, and on domestic. Well, he had this hair-brained idea that if you give all the money to the rich, that somehow it makes the middle-class stronger. Well it didn’t! The economy collapsed 2 years into Bush senior and when Bush Jr. copied Reagan, our economy ended up on the brink of collapse. WAKE UP!

You guys have got nothing done. The Contract with America was a failure, Social Security Part D was a failure, No Child Left Behind was a failure and it ran us into debt. Reagan copied Carter and it was still $10 barrel oil that destroyed the Soviet Union, not the military buildup (Tom Friedman backs me up on this one).

Now you guys whine about the deficit. Did you forget about the 8 years of Bush tax cuts and multiple wars? Isn’t THAT what caused our enormous deficits?

Oh and immigration, eat this little poem etched on the Statue of Liberty:
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
You talk of America as if you knew it, yet you know NOTHING of what this wonderful nation is. LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT? Well, we are rational on the Left and would never ask you to leave, yet honestly, you should.

Economically, if you phony Conservatives left, we would virtually eliminate WalMart, the #1 importer of Chinese goods, We would have universal health care which would make the US competitive again. We would have job training programs that would re-tool America to compete against China and India. We would have education programs that rewarded those that can make America strong in math and engineering again (just like Eisenhower enacted). We would have wonderful transportation from city to city and within the city (just like Eisenhower built the Interstate system).

So please Conservatives. Let me put the same question you put to us when you war mongered and beat your chests for a pointless cause. LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT!

You obviously don’t love it, since you want to hand all your money away to the rich, so LEAVE IT!

If you decide to stay, like so many of us on the Left who wanted to flee the catastrophe of the Bush Administration, join us or get out of the way.

Otherwise, EAT IT!

You love rifles? Well spend some time with it!

Have fun!