Tag Archives: ACTUAL

A Rant on the Downward Trajectory

Bush is a vampire who sucks the blood of our nation

I would be lying if I said I believed 2008 is going to be a great year. In fact, never in my life have I been more sure that we are in for hard times than I am now.

I’m trying to stay positive, as I’m sure you all are as well, however the writing is on the wall. Under the leadership of Bush and the Republicans, with a deregulated Corporate economy, with an overall decline in ethics and a cynical, useless media, the American Machine is now only churning out dreams for an increasingly smaller and smaller crowd, while giving the rest of us sleepless nights.

Bush calls the economy sour. Oh go choke on a Pretzel! I’m sick to death of some Connecticut born wanabe cowboy, cocaine abusing, Yale fraternity, spoiled-rotten, ELITIST PRICK, trying to sympathize with me. I’m also sick of Fox News and how they push their racist, corporate bullshit on a bunch of ignorant heartlanders, feeding them lies that perpetuate the problem. I’m sick of the rest of the media for being so out of touch with reality, thinking that I give a rats ass about Hanna MF Montana more than the corruption in Washington, playing up this absurd circus charade as if they were the ringleaders and not the clowns that they actually are. I’m sick of oil companies and all of Wall Street for that matter. These Masters of the Universe pricks define happiness by screwing over as many people as possible, then indulge their guilt away with mantras of their own self-determined rise to greatness as they rub phony smiles on their faces with green paper. If the damn economy is doing so well, why am I working my ass off and only breaking even? Are you so much smarter than me, or were you just lucky? I’m even sicker of television and music with its increasing pop phoniness and decreasing quality. A bunch of middle-management executives pump regurgitated and contrived garbage to addicted consumers and then cry a river when people finally grow some taste buds. Entertainment in this country is declining because it’s run as a business. Art takes chances and entertainment is art, get a clue you faceless, replaceable corporate dingbats. I’m sick of insurance companies getting rich telling doctors not to perform surgery. I’m sick of SUVs, gas guzzling YUPI, materialist douche-bags who are useless to the process. Listening to country music does NOT make you a heartlander and neither does being a YUPI in Tulsa or falling asleep in church on Sundays! Your values are not better than my values. In fact, I think that any moron who talks about war and Jesus in the same sentence is someone who NEEDS values. Your all just a bunch of sheep following the corporate wolf, in fact your worse than sheep, your pigs headed off to the corporate slaughterhouse. When the pig-sticker ties you to a wheel, don’t be surprised that your “values” have achieved little more than pre-packaged breakfast sausage to feed a greedy machine of endless consumption. I’m tired of Iraq and whether or not it’s going well. All the fat-cat greedy industrialists who profit from the blood of young men, women and children should be hung for treason. While they kick back with their cigars and $200 a glass brandy, tucking their fat asses into their expensive leather chairs, good people are dieing for no good reason.

I'm so pissed off right now

Most of all, I’m sick of stupidity and apathy. You want to know why the world sucks so bad? It’s because not enough people care enough to fix it. They buy in to simple answers like taxes and immigration which only damage the economy and leave the government broke. They buy into selfish answers the same way they buy into the latest exercise craze. When the hell did it become American to be so stupid? It’s never been American to be unintelligent as far as I can tell. My grandfather grew up on a farm, in the ACTUAL heartland, where going to school and being smart were things to aspire to. He literally did walk 10 miles to school and had to carry a milk can with him on the way to help make the rent. When the bank foreclosed on the farm, his family struggled to stick together. Now, some factory worker in Pennsylvania goes bowling, drinks whiskey and falls asleep in church on Sundays and somehow this is an example of the values that made America great.

Let’s face it, there are really no farmers left. I mean, if you’re following the farm subsidy bill debacle, you’d see people arguing over whether or not to subsidies farms that see profits in the millions! There basically agro-business farm factories. This transformation, alongside corporate shopping malls (financed by banks that favor corporate restaurants and retail chains), have turned the heartland into Anytown, U.S.A. just another suburban sprawl with a Walmart, a Dennys, a McDonalds and a Starbucks. The heart and soul of America? Yeah right, it’s been packaged and placed on a Walmart shelf, stamped with a “Made in China” sticker. Christian nation you say? Than why do so many so-called Christians not even know that Genesis is the first book of the Bible or can name the four Gospels., a new poll shows. How much of a Christian can you be when you don’t know Mathew, Mark, Luke & John?

Just another example of how ass backwards this country is becoming. It’s sad isn’t it?

Wall St. sure thinks things are going well, I suppose when you’re making money on oil and oil is driving the world down the drain, the greedy and fat on Wall St. do not see crisis, they see opportunity. Perhaps this is the right way of looking at things, however when you’re not making the rent money, it’s naïve to assume that things will simply, work themselves out.

The more I do the math, the more I realize this nation is not going to make the rent. Our values (and I don’t mean throwing the word Jesus around, I mean ACTUAL values) our standards, our intelligence, our pride, our institutions and the overall quality of our lives is all headed in a downward trajectory. Sure it’s not the end of the world and life will continue regardless, suffering or no suffering, however it feels as if the good times are over. That perhaps, we are the last great generation of the American Empire. The generation that followed a moronic leader down the drain. It also feels that we may get what’s coming to us, after decades of decadent, selfish material greed, it all will come full circle. However is this just a feeling? Or are we going to fix this broken engine we call America?

Believe it or not though, I actually am a bit hopeful. I believe that this nation WILL indeed eventually figure things out. We will rise up from the abysmal performance of the Republican dominated era and begin working on making this nation a better place. I believe we will cast out the selfishness and begin working together, as brother & sister, countrymen and countrywomen, we will find a way to persevere. This is the Progressive Revolution and it IS coming!

God let it come sooner, because first, we have to find our way back on the trail. It won’t be easy, however that’s what we get for believing the myths and lies of a magical bright shining city on the hill, just… uhm, THAT way! Through Iraq and the land of corporate greed!

So let’s roll up our sleeves and get working!