
Tea Party Insulting Islam Also Insults Veterans and Active Duty Soldiers of the US Military

As the Republican led Government Shutdown continues, Tea Party members and Far-Right political operatives have found a way they think will embarrass the president, exploiting our nations veterans. While they do it with little shame, so far it has been … read more

Waking up from The American Dream

I was speaking to someone this morning about how American culture is in decline in fundamental ways, specifically, the American Dream and how we see ourselves as a nation.   Once, America was a place widely known for its hands on ability … read more

How Lower Taxes Destroyed California (Blast from the Past)

Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman recently wrote an article attacking California’s so-called Tax Revolt of 1978, California’s Proposition 13. He claims that if California is the trend setter, than the U.S. is in deep trouble. I agree, and have … read more